Listen. Learn. Act.

Listen. Learn. Act.

Pastor Joel shares these words:
It must not end with a Facebook post. It must not end with an Instagram post. It must not end with a sermon.
We must learn. We must listen. Yes, we must speak up to advocate for change. We must use our words to break down the evils of racism. But we must do more than speak. We must act.
This is one of the reasons I wrestled with posting something. I have felt that it is not enough. It can’t just end with words.
We can’t just teach our children about the importance of other races and cultures. We must show them how to embrace those who are different than us. We need to be in each other’s dining rooms, laughing and crying together.
We can’t just speak about how wrong injustice is. We must go the extra mile and love each other. We must go to each other’s neighborhoods and hear each other’s stories. We must go to each other’s churches and worship together. We must hold each other’s hands and pray together. Let’s support each other’s businesses. We must partner together to rebuild the community.
After our anger dies down, after the protests stop, if there is no action, it is only a matter of time until another black person dies unjustly. Let us not think that after we have written some words, that our job is done. No. This is only the beginning. We must act. We must live out our words.
Thank you to all those who have spoken up. And, even more, thank you to all those who live it out. I am humbled and encouraged to see communities come together to help clean the streets and support to each other’s small businesses.
“So you, by the help of your God, return, hold fast to love and justice, and wait continually for your God.”  – Hosea 12:6


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