Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. Why did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead? Point out that Jesus could have healed Lazarus while he was sick. Instead, Jesus waited and Lazarus died. Jesus said Lazarus’ sickness would end not in death but in God’s glory. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead to show His power over death. Help kids recognize that God sometimes allows bad things to happen so that His glory might be displayed.
2. Jesus said, “Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die—ever.” What did He mean? Do you believe this? Invite kids to share their thoughts. Remind them that unless Jesus returns first, we will face physical death on earth. But Jesus gives us eternal life. Though our bodies may die, this physical death is temporary. When Jesus returns and sets up His kingdom, we will get new bodies and will live with Him forever.
3. How do you think someone who comes back to life from the dead might live differently? How should we live differently as Christians who have been brought from death to life? Allow kids to share their ideas. Emphasize that when God gives us new life in Jesus, we should turn from our evil ways of sin and live for Him. God created us to do good works and share the good news of Jesus with the world.
Younger Kids
1. How can we know Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God? Guide kids to think about what Jesus said about Himself, what others said about Jesus, and what Jesus’ actions communicated. Remind the kids that only God has power over death. Jesus is God the Son, and we can trust what the Bible says about Him.
2. What does it mean to live even if you die? Direct kids to think about the new life we receive through Jesus. Help the kids think through both the abundant life we receive as soon as we become Christians and the resurrection and eternal life we are promised in the future. Eternal life starts right away.
3. How do you feel when you think about death? Help kids process the complexity of grief. Remind kids that sadness about death is normal and healthy. Explain that death was not part of God’s original design for creation. Point out that Christians have hope even in sadness because we know that death is not the end for those in Christ. All believers who die are reunited with God and live in His perfect kingdom forever.
Unit 25 Big Picture Question: How does God care for His creation? God loves and rules over His creation according to His perfect plan.
Story Point: Jesus has power over death.
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. How would you answer Jesus’ question—you don’t want to go away too, do you? Do any of Jesus’ teachings confuse you? Invite kids to share their thoughts. Acknowledge any doubts or confusion. Emphasize that Jesus’ closest disciples recognized that even though Jesus’ teachings were hard, He has the words of eternal life. He is the Holy One of God.
2. What did Jesus mean when He said people would eat His body and drink His blood? Lead kids to identify that Jesus was talking about His death and resurrection. He did not mean people would literally eat Him; He meant that those who trust in His finished work on the cross would have forgiveness and eternal life. Point out that when we take the Lord’s Supper (the bread and drink), we remember what Jesus did for us.
3. What kind of king did the people want Jesus to be? What kind of King is Jesus? Help kids recall that people thought Jesus would provide physical food and protection from enemy kings. But Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world. He came to give life by rescuing sinners.
Younger Kids
1. How can we eat Jesus’ flesh and drink His blood? Remind the kids that Jesus was not speaking literally. Guide them to think about the way Jesus’ body would be killed and His blood spilled to make the way for us to be saved. Discuss how believers consume the Lord’s Supper to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us.
2. Who can help you understand the Bible? Direct the kids to pastors, elders, deacons, their parents, and so forth. Remind them that God has sent the Holy Spirit to live within believers. He helps us understand God’s Word with the help of other believers.
3. How can we help people who don’t know Jesus come to understand and believe in Him? Guide kids to practical steps they can take, like offering to read their Bibles with friends or inviting them to church. Remind the kids that only the Holy Spirit can make other people understand the truth, but we should try to give them the opportunity to hear it. Talk about what living on mission means and how it accomplishes that goal.
Unit 25 Big Picture Question: How does God care for His creation? God loves and rules over His creation according to His perfect plan.
Story Point: Many people misunderstood Jesus’ teaching.
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. How are we “lost” before we trust in Jesus? Lead kids to recognize that being lost means not knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior. The Bible says that apart from Jesus, we are in darkness and are dead in sin. Jesus makes us alive and brings us into His kingdom. He shows us what is true about God and about ourselves.
2. How does it make you feel that God came looking for you? Allow kids to share their feelings. Remind kids that God created us, so He knows us and sees us. He seeks after us because He loves us
3. What might you say to someone who doesn’t know Jesus? Invite kids to share their ideas. Suggest that kids might share their testimonies, or stories of how they came to know and love Jesus. Review the Gospel Plan Poster and encourage kids to remember the five points to summarize the good news about Jesus: God rules, we sinned, God provided, Jesus gives, and we respond.
Younger Kids
1. Do you ever feel like running away from God to live your own way? Guide kids to think about the choices they make. Help them think through times when it may feel like obeying God is a burden, such as when a seeing popular movie or playing a popular video game dishonors Him. Encourage kids to speak openly about when it is hard to obey God.
2. Do you ever feel like it’s unfair for God to love people who disobey Him? Help kids see that all people are sinners. We often try to rank our sin or compare it to other people’s sin to justify why we chose to sin. Help kids understand that all sin deserves death.
3. How should we react to a person becoming a believer in Jesus? Direct kids to remember how God reacts to sinners’ repenting. Discuss the fact that God welcomes sinners and loves them. Help them see that we should respond like God does, with joy and celebration, not with doubt or skepticism.
Unit 25 Big Picture Question: How does God care for His creation? God loves and rules over His creation according to His perfect plan.
Story Point: Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. Why did Jesus teach in parables? Lead kids to recall that parables reveal hidden truths about God’s kingdom that not everyone will understand. Point out how the religious leaders did not accept Jesus as Messiah. They did not recognize that God’s kingdom had come— perhaps because it was unlike they expected. When we understand the truth about God’s kingdom, we joyfully accept it and are blessed.
2. What role can you play in growing God’s kingdom? Encourage kids to consider ways they can share the gospel with others. Remind them of the mustard seed, emphasizing that even seemingly small things, such as inviting a friend to church or praying for a neighbor, can have a big impact in God’s kingdom.
3. What is most valuable to you? How do your actions show its value? Invite kids to share what is most important to them. Challenge them to assess whether or not their actions support their claims. Point out that some of the ways we show what is most valuable to us is in the way we spend our time and resources. Discuss some of the things the world values and why God’s kingdom is more valuable than anything.
Younger Kids
1. Have you ever had to give up something to follow Jesus? Guide kids to discuss situations they may have faced where they had to choose obedience over popularity, comfort, or another thing the world can offer. Be prepared to share your own experiences too.
2. Would you give up everything to follow Jesus? Help the kids think through the kinds of sacrifices some believers must make, such as missionaries or those living in places hostile to Jesus. Remind them that God may not tell them to give up everything, but they are called to be ready if necessary.
3. How can you help God’s kingdom grow? Talk through ways kids can live on mission. Help them come up with ways to show love to others and creative ways they can share the gospel with friends and loved ones. Remind them that the Holy Spirit gives us wisdom and courage to know God’s will and obey it.
Unit 25 Big Picture Question: How does God care for His creation? God loves and rules over His creation according to His perfect plan.
Story Point: God’s growing kingdom is more valuable than anything.
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. What do you think the disciples realized about Jesus after they saw Him changed? Lead kids to conclude that this event further confirmed that Jesus is God’s Son. Remind them of God’s words at Jesus’ baptism (Mark 1:11) Point out that even though Jesus said He would rise from the dead, the disciples did not understand what He meant. (Mark 9:10) (read Ps. 104:1-2.)
2. How is Jesus greater than Moses and Elijah? Help kids recall that Moses had seen a glimpse of God’s glory. Afterward, Moses reflected God’s glory in his face. (See Ex. 34.) Elijah told people about God’s glory. (1 Kings 18) Jesus, however, showed God’s glory directly and brings us into God’s presence. (read Heb. 3:3-6.)
3. Why should we listen to Jesus? Remind kids that at Jesus’ transfiguration, a voice said, “ is is My beloved Son … Listen to Him!” Jesus is God in the flesh. We listen to Jesus by submitting to Him as the King of our lives, listening to what He tells us through His Word, and obeying Him. (read John 14:23.)
Younger Kids
1. Why do you think Jesus chose to reveal His glory to Peter, James, and John? Discuss those three disciples’ role as leaders among the disciples. Help the kids understand that they were Jesus’ closest friends as well as some of His most loyal followers. Help them understand that showing His glory to them was a way to help them see that He truly is God’s Son.
2. How should we respond to Jesus? Guide kids to discuss appropriate ways we might respond to the good news about Jesus. Talk to the kids about what it would look like to feel overjoyed, humbled, and awestruck. Remind the kids that part of our response to Jesus is loving obedience to His commands, including a desire to tell others about Him.
3. How do you feel when you think of Jesus’ return? Help the kids process through the different emotions they may feel about Jesus’ return. Remind them that everyone who has faith in Jesus will be glorified with Him and live forever with God. Focus on Jesus’ return as our source of hope.
Unit 24 Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.
Story Point: Jesus showed His glory to Peter, James, and John.
Unit 24 Bible Memory Verse: Lord my God, you have done many things – your wondrous works and your plans for us; none can compare with you – Psalm 40:5 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. Why were Jesus’ disciples afraid when they saw Jesus walking on water? Lead kids to recall that the disciples first thought Jesus was a ghost. They knew they were witnessing something no ordinary person could do. Jesus again showed His power over creation as the Son of God.
(read Isa. 40:26.)
2. How can we have courage in scary situations? Remind kids of Jesus’ words to His disciples: “Have courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Assure kids that they are not alone. Jesus is with them through the Holy Spirit. Encourage kids to keep their eyes on Jesus. We can rely on Him for strength and courage when we need it.
(read Ps. 27:14.)
3. How can we encourage others to not give up during difficult times? Help kids identify Jesus’ power and strength even when we are weak. Point out that when Jesus got into the boat, the wind stopped. Assure them that all believers can persevere in trials with the hope that one day, Jesus will return and bring ultimate peace, making every wrong thing right. We can pray for others and remind them of the truth about Jesus.
(read James 1:12.)
Younger Kids
1. How was Peter able to walk on water? Guide kids to discuss how Jesus’ power allowed Peter to walk on water. Remind the kids that impossible things can happen when God’s power is involved. Point out the correlation between Peter’s faith in Jesus while he walked on water and his fear of the storm when he sank. Discuss the importance of faith in our lives.
2. Is there anything we cannot do with God’s power? Discuss the fact that God’s power is unlimited, but that doesn’t mean we can use Him for personal gain. Help kids see that testing the Lord is foolish and that anything He empowers us to do will be in line with His character and plans for the world.
3. When was the last time you trusted God to help you through a hard time? Guide kids to discuss experiences they have had in which God helped them through a difficult situation. Be sensitive to any kids who may disclose abuse or neglect. Report any suspicions according to the laws where you live and your church’s policies.
Unit 24 Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.
Story Point: Jesus showed He is God by walking on water.
Unit 24 Bible Memory Verse: Lord my God, you have done many things – your wondrous works and your plans for us; none can compare with you – Psalm 40:5 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. How was Jesus able to feed the crowd with just five loaves of bread and two fish? Prompt kids to recall that Jesus’ feeding the crowd was a miracle! Recall how God provided manna as food in the wilderness for His people. When the people saw this sign, many believed Jesus was the Prophet whom God had promised to send.
(read Matt. 6:33.)
2. What did Jesus mean when He said He is “the bread of life”? Lead kids to recognize that like bread satisfies the body, Jesus satisfies the soul. Only Jesus is able to satisfy our souls forever by providing forgiveness, peace with God, and eternal life. Emphasize that the eternal life Jesus provides for our souls is better than bread that temporarily satisfies our bodies.
(read John 6:27.)
3. How has Jesus recently provided for some of your needs—physically or spiritually? Invite kids to share ways the Lord has provided for their needs. Remind kids that every good gift comes from God. He provided for us in the greatest way by sending His Son to give life to the world.
(read John 6:33.)
Younger Kids
1. What does this story show about Jesus? Guide kids to think about the compassion Jesus shows. Jesus wants to meet the needs of people. He met their physical needs by healing them and feeding them, but also meets spiritual needs. Jesus taught about God before dying on the cross and rising again. Jesus’ work made the way for us to be forgiven and have eternal life with God.
2. Why did Jesus call himself the bread of life? Guide kids to think about the role of bread in Old Testament stories. Remind them about the manna God provided and the significance of the unleavened bread at Passover. Help them see that, just as bread represents a basic necessity—food—Jesus is necessary to have spiritual life with God.
3. How can we learn to trust Jesus more? Guide kids to discuss ways we can grow in faith, such as studying the Bible, gathering together as a church, praying, and even fasting. Help kids understand what those disciplines are and how we do them.
Unit 24 Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.
Story Point: Jesus miraculously fed a crowd with five loaves and two fish.
Unit 24 Bible Memory Verse: Lord my God, you have done many things – your wondrous works and your plans for us; none can compare with you – Psalm 40:5 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. What would you have thought if you saw Jesus sleeping through the storm that day? Invite kids to share their thoughts. Perhaps Jesus’ sleeping might seem like He did not care. Emphasize that even if God seems silent in our difficult situations, He is always near and always at work—often in ways we do not expect. He does everything for His glory and our good.
(read Acts 17:27.)
2. What can you do when you feel afraid of what is happening around you? Remind kids that when the disciples were afraid during the storm, they turned to Jesus for help. We can look to Jesus in faith every day. We can look to Him to rescue us from sin, and we can ask for His help to live in a way that honors Him. Even when we feel afraid or doubt God, we can cry out to Him. Jesus cares. He will answer, and—like the disciples did—we can worship Him.
(read Isa. 41:10.)
3. What do you know to be true about God that can help you have peace in hard situations? Lead kids to recognize that we can trust that God is in control and has power over everything, even when times are hard. Trusting God gives us peace that can show the world that He is mighty. Jesus proved that He can be trusted. His miracles, teaching, death, and resurrection showed that He is who He says He is. Only Jesus can save us when we look to Him in faith.
(read Ps. 56:3-4.)
Younger Kids
1. Why do you think the disciples were afraid? Direct the kids to think more deeply than the simple answer of the storm they faced. Help them see that their fear came from a lack of understanding of and trust in who Jesus is. If they had known who Jesus is and trusted Him completely even in the storm, they would not have been afraid.
2. How do you react to scary or hard situations? Guide kids to answer honestly. Discuss when it is hard or easy to trust God. Be sensitive if any kids share about abuse or neglect, and ensure you follow all proper reporting procedures according to the laws where you live and your church’s policies.
3. How can we know that Jesus is trustworthy no matter what? Prompt kids to provide ways we can know Jesus is trustworthy. Remind them that God’s Word is true, and it teaches us to trust Jesus. Jesus is God the Son, and the Bible teaches us that He has control over all of creation. We also know that God only does what is good and right. Everything He does is for His glory and our good.
Unit 24 Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.
Story Point: Jesus calmed a storm to show the disciples He is God.
Unit 24 Bible Memory Verse: Lord my God, you have done many things – your wondrous works and your plans for us; none can compare with you – Psalm 40:5 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. How do you feel knowing that Jesus knows each of His sheep personally—by name? Invite kids to share their thoughts. Emphasize that each person is created in the image of God. He knows us each by name. Jesus said that no one can take His sheep from Him. He knows us and cares about us.
(read Luke 12:7.)
2. What can you do when you feel lost and God feels far away? Encourage kids to consider how lost sheep react. They cannot find their way back on their own, but when they cry out, the shepherd hears and rescues them. We can cry out to God, seeking Him through prayer and His Word. He will bring us back to Himself.
(read Ps. 77:1.)
3. How can the way you live point others to Jesus as the Good Shepherd? Lead kids to discuss how living sacrificially can give kids the opportunity to tell others about the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Remind kids that as Jesus’ sheep, believers should seek to listen to, follow, and obey Him.
(read 1 Tim. 4:12.)
Younger Kids
1. Why do you think Jesus compares people to sheep? Guide kids to understand that sheep are animals that need guidance. On their own, they cannot thrive. Help them understand that using the imagery of sheep also calls back to Psalm 23 and Old Testament figures like David, Moses, and Jacob.
2. How can we become part of Jesus’ flock? Guide kids to see that Jesus’ flock includes all people who have faith in Jesus. We cannot earn salvation, but God gives it freely to all who believe the truth of the gospel. Remind kids that salvation comes by grace through faith.
3. How do you feel knowing that no one can snatch us from Jesus? Lead kids to find and read John 10:28. Guide kids to discuss their feelings. Help them see that everyone who has faith in Jesus has eternal life. Explain to them that Jesus’ promise is not based on our behavior but on His power and goodness. Share your thoughts about these promises.
Unit 23 Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.
Story Point: Jesus is the Good Shepherd who cares for His people.
Unit 23 Bible Memory Verse: The Holy Spirit… will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. – John 14:26 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. In what ways has God been generous toward you and your family? Guide kids to recognize ways God has provided for their family—physically and spiritually. Steer kids away from bragging about any possessions or wealth they may have. Point out ways God provides by giving us friends, neighbors, and teachers. Acknowledge His greatest provision, Jesus.
(read Isa. 30:18.)
2. How can we fight against greed? Lead kids to recognize that we can fight greed by humbly relying on God and giving generously. We can ask God for what we need and trust that He will answer and provide in the way that is best for us. We can pray for the Holy Spirit’s help in seeking God’s kingdom first.
(read James 4:1-2.)
3. Share about a time you were selfish or felt tempted to act selfishly. How can generosity lead others to Jesus? Invite kids to share their experiences. Point out that the world teaches that we should look out for ourselves. In Jesus’ kingdom, the opposite is true. We can put others first because God meets all of our needs. When believers live generously, others may ask why and we can share how God has been generous to us by providing eternal life through Jesus.
(read 1 Cor. 10:24.)
Younger Kids
1. What does “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” mean? Guide kids to see that when we value something a lot, we think about it. Whatever we treasure most, we will spend our time and energy trying to get or protect. Help them see that greed distracts us from loving God and obeying His commands to be generous.
2. What do you think treasure in heaven will be like? Talk to the kids about what they think. Encourage them to be honest. Gently guide them away from the traditional ideas of gold, silver, or jewels. Help them see that heavenly treasure has more to do with enjoying God’s perfection and living in a perfect, restored world.
3. How can we avoid greed and selfishness? Help kids understand that to overcome greed we must understand Jesus’ generosity displayed on the cross. As we better understand the extravagant generosity of Christ, our love for Him will move us to show generosity as Jesus did.
Unit 23 Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.
Story Point: Jesus taught people not to worry because God provides for our needs.
Unit 23 Bible Memory Verse: The Holy Spirit… will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. – John 14:26 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. Will God always give us what we ask for when we pray? Lead kids to recognize that the Bible says God gives us what we ask for when we ask according to His will, or His plan. Sometimes God does not give us what we ask for because we ask for wrong things or for wrong reasons, or because He has a better plan for us. We can trust that God is good and loving, and we can count on Him to do what is right.
(read 1 John 5:14.)
2. Why do we pray? Remind kids that prayer is how we talk to God. We can praise Him, confess our sins, thank Him, and ask for help. Prayer shows our dependence on God and our trust in Him.
(read Heb. 4:16.)
3. What can you do when you aren’t sure what to pray? Encourage kids to think of prayer like having a conversation with a friend at the lunch table. We can share our feelings and our thoughts. God knows our hearts and is happy to hear from us. Our prayers don’t need to be long or eloquent. Remind kids that the Holy Spirit helps us when we pray.
(read Ps. 34:17.)
Younger Kids
1. How do these parables encourage us to pray? Guide kids to see that in each case, the person being asked was a sinner and still did the right thing. Jesus wanted people to see that because God is much greater than people, He can be trusted to hear our prayers and respond in the perfect way.
2. Can you think of a time you prayed for something specific? What happened? Guide kids to provide specific examples from their lives. Do not allow any kids to shame kids for asking for things that may seem silly or unimportant. Encourage kids to discuss honestly if they got the answer they wanted and how they knew.
3. What are some things you are praying about now? Encourage kids to share their requests with the group if they want to. Write them down. Offer time for the kids to pray for one another. Close the time by thanking God for always doing what is best. Challenge the kids to pray for one another throughout the week.
Unit 23 Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.
Story Point: Jesus taught people how to pray.
Unit 23 Bible Memory Verse: The Holy Spirit… will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. – John 14:26 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. What do you think Jesus meant when He said that anyone who is unwilling to suffer cannot be His disciple? Explain to kids that Jesus later told His disciples that because the world had persecuted Him, they would be persecuted. Believers should expect to suffer in a fallen world. We can endure suffering, fixing our eyes on Jesus and looking forward to eternity with Him.
(read John 15:18-20.)
2. Why is it important to understand the cost of following Jesus? Help kids recognize that following Jesus without understanding the cost may make it difficult to persevere in trials. Emphasize that though Jesus does not offer us an easy life, He offers us Himself. He is better than anything the world offers.
(read 1 Pet. 4:12-13.)
3. How can we encourage others who aren’t sure if following Jesus is worth it? Prompt kids to consider the importance of praying for others. The Holy Spirit gives us strength to follow Jesus. Kids can also point others to Jesus, remembering that suffering is temporary and one day Jesus will make all things right.
(read Heb. 12:1-3.)
Younger Kids
1. Why do you think we must be willing to give up our family and even our life to follow Jesus? Guide kids to see that Jesus is the most important. If we truly love our families, we will want to put Jesus first so that we can help them see that He is best for them. If we love anything, even families or other good things, more than we love Jesus, those things have become idols.
2. What are some ways you might suffer for Jesus’ sake? Discuss what can happen if kids stand up for what’s right against friends or other kids at school. Discuss missionaries who move away from home. Talk about places where Christians are not allowed to worship God and might be arrested or killed for their faith.
3. What do we gain by following Jesus? Help kids think about the rewards we have through Jesus, both in this life and the next. Remind them that Jesus gives us peace, love, joy, and wisdom. Help them see that no matter what hard situations we face now, someday we will rule with Jesus when He returns.
Unit 23 Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.
Story Point: Following Jesus is not easy, but He is worth it.
Unit 23 Bible Memory Verse: The Holy Spirit… will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. – John 14:26 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. How is the kingdom of God different than the world? Clarify for kids that the kingdom of God is His rule and reign. We enter God’s kingdom when we trust in Jesus and recognize His authority over our lives. God’s kingdom is upside-down in many ways compared to the world. His kingdom reflects His values, such as gentleness and humility.
(read Heb. 12:28.)
2. How can believers be lights in a dark world? Remind kids that Jesus is the light of the world. We are to reflect Him in how we live our lives. Being a light in a dark world means bringing the truth of Jesus to places where there is darkness and lies. Believers can share the gospel with boldness and choose to live in ways that honor God. Help kids identify actions or attitudes that may be associated with “light” (honoring to God) versus “darkness” (dishonoring to God).
(read Matt. 5:16.)
3. What blessings come to those who follow Jesus? Lead kids to recognize that God’s blessings do not necessarily mean gaining prosperity on earth. Earthly blessings are good gifts, but they do not last forever and are not guaranteed. God does promise to bless us in the greatest way by giving us Jesus. He promises to transform those who trust in Jesus to make us like His Son.
(read Eph. 1:3.)
Younger Kids
1. What are some ways God’s kingdom is different from worldly kingdoms? Guide kids to give examples about how God’s kingdom is the opposite of what our hearts naturally desire. In God’s kingdom, we love our enemies and consider ourselves blessed even in difficult or sad times. We give generously even to those who cannot repay. We trust in God instead of ourselves, and we do good to glorify God, not to look good in front of others.
2. Why does God care so much about what’s in our hearts? Help kids understand that sinful actions always begin as sinful thoughts and desires. Remind them that it is not enough to simply avoid doing bad things. Obedience to God means we do not even think evil thoughts. Help them see that we need Jesus because only He can meet God’s standard of perfection.
3. Where did Jesus’ authority to teach come from? Guide kids to think about Jesus’ identity as God the Son. Remind them that He was present at creation and that He is the King of kings. His words are God’s own words. His teaching is perfect.
Unit 23 Big Picture Question: What did Jesus teach when He was on earth? Jesus taught about God and His kingdom. He taught that all Scripture is about Him.
Story Point: Jesus taught people how to live in God’s kingdom.
Unit 23 Bible Memory Verse: The Holy Spirit… will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. – John 14:26 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. Why was the man in today’s Bible story born blind? Lead kids to recall Jesus’ answer to the disciples: “Neither this man nor his parents sinned. This came about so that God’s works might be displayed in him.” Emphasize that Jesus was saying that the man’s blindness was not a consequence of their sin. Sometimes our suffering is caused by our own sin, but often suffering is the result of living in a fallen world.
(read 1 John 1:5-6.)
2. How does knowing Jesus cause us to think differently about suffering? Guide kids to consider how the Lord is at work beyond what is happening immediately around us. Instead of feeling angry or hopeless, we can live with the hope that God is in control and will one day make all things right. Jesus took on the ultimate suffering by dying on the cross in our place so that we can endure suffering on earth and enjoy eternity with Him.
(read Rom. 8:22-23.)
3. How can you share your story to tell others about Jesus? Remind kids that when his neighbors and the religious leaders asked the man what happened to him, he told them how Jesus had healed him. We can share how Jesus saved us and changed us.
(read John 9:10-11.)
Younger Kids
1. In what ways are we like the man born blind? Guide kids to consider what it means to be born in sin. Help them see that spiritual blindness prevents us from being able to pursue God on our own. Guide kids to discuss what it feels like to be in darkness. Point out both the fear of the dark that some have and also the practical limitations of doing things in the dark.
2. Why do you think Jesus calls Himself the Light of the world? Help them understand the ways in which Jesus “lights up” our life, such as helping us see and understand God’s truth, giving us joy, and helping us walk in obedience to God. Point out that, while it is difficult to do things in the dark, light helps us work.
3. How can we be given “spiritual sight”? Direct kids to think about the message of the gospel. Help them see that they cannot earn salvation, but it is given freely to those with faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Remind them that with salvation comes new life and the Holy Spirit’s help to love and obey God.
Unit 22 Big Picture Question: Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.
Story Point: Jesus gave sight to a man who was blind.
Unit 21 Bible Memory Verse: Yet he himself bore our sickness, and he carried our pains; but we in turn regarded him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced because of our rebellion, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on him, and we are healed by his wounds – Isaiah 53:4-5 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. Why did Jesus heal the man who was lame? Prompt kids to recognize that the man did not ask for healing. He had been disabled a long time and seemed hopeless. The man did not even recognize Jesus, but Jesus showed compassion to the man and healed him—instantly and completely. The man experienced Jesus’ power. Help kids realize that Jesus does not always heal people; sometimes His plan for someone involves sickness. But we can trust that Jesus is always working for His glory and our good.
(read Rom. 8:28.)
2. How does Jesus give hope to sinners? Lead kids to recall that the man at the pool was unable to help himself. Jesus healed him, and he obeyed Jesus’ commands. In a similar way, we are unable to free ourselves from sin. Jesus calls us to trust in Him. When we trust in Jesus, He frees us from the power of sin and death so we can follow Him and obey Him.
(read Ps. 71:5.)
3. What do Jesus’ healing miracles teach us about God’s kingdom? Point kids to the words of the prophet Isaiah about how the world would change when the Messiah comes. Isaiah said the Messiah would make the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, and the mute sing. God’s kingdom is one of restoration and healing. He shows His grace through healing today. We look forward to the day when Jesus returns and makes all things new.
(read Mark 1:15.)
Younger Kids
1. How are we similar to the man who could not walk? Guide kids to discuss the fact that we are helplessly trapped in sin. The Bible describes us as dead in sin. We need Jesus to rescue us and give us new life. Apart from Jesus’ complete work on the cross, we could not have salvation.
2. How can we gain salvation and healing from sin? Guide kids to think through the message of the gospel. Remind them that we are saved by grace through faith. We cannot earn salvation, but when we have faith that Jesus died for our sins and rose on the third day, God gives us salvation.
3. Why do you think Jesus told the man to stop sinning? Guide kids to see that the phrase “so that something worse doesn’t happen” is a reference to being separated from God after death. Help the kids see that no matter what physical ailment we may suffer with, we can all have eternal life and hope for the future. Jesus’ death and resurrection gives us that hope for eternity spent with God in a restored world.
Unit 22 Big Picture Question: Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.
Story Point: Jesus healed a man who could not walk.
Unit 21 Bible Memory Verse: Yet he himself bore our sickness, and he carried our pains; but we in turn regarded him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced because of our rebellion, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on him, and we are healed by his wounds – Isaiah 53:4-5 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. How was the woman with a bleeding problem healed? Prompt kids to recall that when the woman touched Jesus’ clothes, she was healed. The woman came to Jesus in faith, believing He could heal her. Emphasize that Jesus’ clothes weren’t magical; the healing power came from Jesus Himself.
(read Acts 10:37-38.)
2. What do we need to do to get Jesus’ help? Point out that the people who needed to be healed knew who could help them. We can look to Jesus for help—no matter what sin or sickness we face. We don’t need to do anything to earn His help. Jesus tells us, “Just believe.”
(read 1 Pet. 2:24.)
3. How can we seek healing today? Lead kids to discuss how even though Jesus is not physically on earth today, we can pray to Him in faith and ask God to heal people who are sick or hurting. God has the power to heal, and He brings ultimate healing through His Son, Jesus, by forgiving our sins.
(read James 5:16.)
Younger Kids
1. What can we do if someone we know is sick or hurting? Guide kids to think about ways to show love to others who are going through difficult circumstances. Help them see that praying for others is the strongest tool we have against hard times. Remind them that Jesus doesn’t promise our lives will be easy or pain free, but we can trust Him to always do what is right.
2. How can we show our faith in Jesus? Help kids brainstorm ways to share their faith with others by giving God credit when they succeed, talking about what they learn in church, or telling others about the ways Jesus has helped them overcome difficult times.
3. How can we glorify God if someone we love isn’t healed when we ask God to heal them? Guide kids to see that our hope is not in physical healing but in the restoration of the world that will come when Jesus returns. Help them see that people who have faith in Jesus will live eternally with God, no matter what hard times they go through now.
Unit 22 Big Picture Question: Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.
Story Point: Jesus healed a woman and raised a girl from the dead.
Unit 21 Bible Memory Verse: Yet he himself bore our sickness, and he carried our pains; but we in turn regarded him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced because of our rebellion, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on him, and we are healed by his wounds – Isaiah 53:4-5 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. What did the man who was healed realize about Jesus? Invite kids to share their ideas. Point out the man’s reaction to his healing: he returned to thank Jesus. The man recognized that Jesus had healed him, and he praised God.
(read Ps. 103:2-4.)
2. How should our lives change when we trust in Jesus for salvation? Guide kids to discuss the difference between a person who is forgiven and someone who is unforgiven before God. Regardless of their outward behavior, people who do not trust in Jesus are guilty before Him. Those who trust in Him are declared righteous and have complete forgiveness and eternal life. Help kids identify that a believer’s life should be marked by gratitude and worship for what Jesus has done.
(read Heb. 12:28.)
3. What should we do when good things happen? What should we do when bad things happen? Emphasize that when we experience God’s grace, the best way to respond is with worship, thanking Him for what He has done. When bad things happen, we should still put our faith in God. We might not understand why something happens, but we can trust that God is working. He is in control and does everything for His glory and our good.
(read 1 Thess. 5:18.)
Younger Kids
1. Do you feel more like the man who thanked Jesus, or the nine who did not? Encourage kids to share their thoughts and try to answer honestly. Be prepared to share your own experience of times you honored God for His goodness and times you struggled to. Help kids to see that our sinful hearts often take God’s goodness for granted. We expect only good and forget that God can use hard times for His glory.
2. How do you show God you are thankful to Him? Guide kids to discuss the different ways we can give thanks to, glorify, and honor God. Help them see that we can worship God in our words and with our actions. Remind them that obedience to God, parents, and teachers is a great way to show God you trust and love Him. We can also show His love to others.
3. When might it be difficult to show God you love Him and are thankful? Help kids see that when we are in the midst of difficult times, such as when we are sick or in pain, we might find it difficult to see God’s work around us. Encourage kids that everything God does is for His glory and our good, even in the middle of difficult or sad circumstances.
Unit 22 Big Picture Question: Why did God create people? God created people to worship Him, love Him, and show His glory.
Story Point: Jesus healed ten men, and one was saved.
Unit 21 Bible Memory Verse: Yet he himself bore our sickness, and he carried our pains; but we in turn regarded him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced because of our rebellion, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on him, and we are healed by his wounds – Isaiah 53:4-5 –
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. What is living water? Where does it comes from? Guide kids to recall that Jesus offered living water to the Samaritan woman. The living water Jesus was talking about is the Holy Spirit. Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to those who trust in Him. He saves us from our sins and gives us eternal life.
(read John 7:37-39.)
2. Why is sharing your testimony important? Help kids recognize the power of the Samaritan woman’s testimony. She told others in her town what Jesus had done, and they believed in Him. Emphasize that everyone can tell others what God has done in his or her life. Jesus calls us to build relationships with others and tell them the good news of the gospel.
(read 1 John 4:13-15.)
3. What are some ways you can show love to others? How can you remember to put others first? Allow kids to share their ideas for practically serving others. Suggest kids paint one fingernail a bright color, wear their watch upside-down, apply a sticker to a place they’ll see frequently (such as the toe of a shoe). When kids see the paint, watch, or sticker, they can remember to live with an others-first attitude.
(read 1 John 4:11.)
Younger Kids
1. What is the living water Jesus spoke about? Guide kids to see that the living water is a picture of what the Holy Spirit is like. When we believe the gospel, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to live within us. He helps us to love and obey God and fills our lives with joy and love so that we can “overflow” joy and love onto other people.
2. What does it mean to worship God in spirit and in truth? Discuss how everyone worships something, but only believers worship the one true God. Point out that worshiping in spirit means that our very core, including our emotions, is involved in worshiping God. Explain that worshiping in truth means we worship the true God when we understand the wonderful truth of what He has done for us.
3. How can we receive “living water”? Remind the kids that the Bible teaches everyone who believes the gospel will be saved. Help them understand that when we believe the gospel, we repent of sin and love God. God forgives our sin, gives us new hearts, and sends the Holy Spirit to live in us and help us obey God out of love.
Unit 21 Big Picture Question: What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.
Story Point: Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to those who believe.
Unit 21 Bible Memory Verse: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:30
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. How was the bronze serpent being lifted up like Jesus being lift up? Lead kids to connect that like the serpent, Jesus was lifted up on the cross. He died for our sins and was raised from the dead. Like the Israelites with snakebites, we can’t do anything to save ourselves. But we can look to Jesus for salvation.
(read Num. 21:8-9.)
2. Can a person get into heaven by doing enough good things? Why or why not? Emphasize that God wants us to obey Him, but the Bible says everyone sins. (Rom. 3:23) If we had to obey God perfectly to go to heaven, no one would ever get to heaven! We are accepted by God when we trust in Jesus, who lived a perfect life and died the death we deserve for our sins.
(read Eph. 2:8-9.)
3. How is being apart from God like being in the dark? How can we bring friends and family members into the light of the gospel? Explain to kids that the Bible says that Jesus is the light of the world. Before we trust in Jesus, we live in darkness. Discuss the difficulty of seeing in the dark. God lights up the path of our lives and shows us what is true. We can tell others about what Jesus has done and pray for them.
(read Eph. 5:8-10.)
Younger Kids
1. What does it mean to be born again? Prompt the kids to think about the ending of their old, sinful lives and the start of their new lives in Jesus. Remind them that God declares sinners righteous when they believe in Jesus. God no longer sees believers as sinners, but as saints. Our new and eternal life with God starts as soon as we believe the gospel.
2. What does it mean to have eternal life? Discuss the idea that eternal life with God is not just regular life that never ends, but joyful, loving, obedient life that goes on forever. A believer’s new life begins right away. Even after physical death, our souls live with God forever. When Jesus returns, we will continue living with God in glorified bodies.
3. Why did God send Jesus to save us? Remind the kids that God loves people and always does what is for His glory and our good. We are special to God, and He wanted to save us from sin to show His goodness and love.
Unit 21 Big Picture Question: What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.
Story Point: Jesus taught that we must be born again.
Unit 21 Bible Memory Verse: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:30
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. What made Jesus different than other religious teachers? Lead kids to recall that Jesus spoke with authority. He is the Word (John 1:1) and did not rely on tradition or other people to explain Scripture. Jesus came from heaven and is Lord over all things. He is God the Son and the promised Messiah.
(read Matt. 28:18.)
2. Jesus’ promise to help everyone, no matter where they were from, upset the people in Nazareth. What does this tell you about God’s heart and man’s heart? Help kids recognize that God loves all people. God’s heart is full of mercy and love. Apart from Jesus, man’s heart is full of envy, pride, and selfishness.
(read Phil. 2:3-4.)
3. Will Jesus always answer our prayers for healing? Why or why not? Acknowledge that sin causes pain and suffering. Sometimes God chooses to answer our prayers for healing and restoration; other times He seems silent. We don’t always understand God’s plan, but He is good and one day He will make all things right.
(read Dan. 3:17-18.)
Younger Kids
1. How do we know Jesus really is the Messiah? Guide kids to discuss the overwhelming evidence that Jesus is the Messiah. Remind them of all the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled, such as His birth in Bethlehem. Point out His power to heal people and remind them that God called Jesus His Son. Jesus’ claim in this story is well supported by other evidence.
2. What does it mean to accept Jesus rather than reject Him? Help kids see that when our faith is in Jesus, we are doing more than admitting that He is the Messiah, we are also saying that He is the Lord of our lives. When we believe in Jesus, we are saying that we want Him to guide and control our lives. We want to obey Him out of love and serve Him to glorify God.
3. What can we do if we know someone who rejects Jesus? Remind kids that we cannot save anyone. Our job when we believe the gospel is to teach other people about Jesus. Help kids understand that God is the One who saves people. Discuss the importance of prayer in leading others to Jesus. Make sure they know that we treat everyone with kindness and respect, even if they don’t yet believe the gospel.
Unit 21 Big Picture Question: What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.
Story Point: Jesus taught that He is the Messiah.
Unit 21 Bible Memory Verse: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:30
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. How did Jesus’ miracles show His care for creation? Guide kids to discuss how Jesus’ miracles restored parts of creation that were affected by sin coming into the world. Jesus cast out unclean spirits, made sick people well, and healed skin diseases. Explain that later in His ministry, Jesus also raised people from the dead, gave sight to people who were blind, and ultimately brought the greatest healing—forgiveness of sins—through His death and resurrection.
(read Ps. 77:14.)
2. Do we need to see miracles to believe in Jesus? Why or why not? Point out that many people saw Jesus’ miracles and believed, but Jesus said those who do not see and still believe are blessed. The Bible tells us everything we need to believe in Jesus.
(read John 20:29-31.)
3. In what ways does God reveal Himself today? Lead kids to recognize that God shows us what He is like through the Word—the Bible. The Bible says we can also understand what God is like by looking at His creation. Invite kids to share observations of creation that tell them something about what God is like.
(read Rom. 1:19-20.)
Younger Kids
1. What do these miracles show about Jesus? Guide kids to discuss Jesus’ power as God’s Son. Jesus had authority over evil spirits and over the sickness people faced. We also see Jesus’ love and kindness toward people. Jesus meets physical needs and spiritual needs.
2. Why was Jesus’ preaching more important than His miracles? Help kids understand that Jesus’ miracles helped to show His power and authority, but the purpose was to support the truth of His teaching. A person healed of a sickness might later become sick again and is still spiritually dead in sin. A person who understands Jesus’ teaching and has faith in His death and resurrection is forgiven and gains eternal life.
3. How can we be like Jesus? Discuss Jesus’ compassion, kindness, and preaching. Help kids see that we can show God’s love in the way we treat others. Explain that our love and kindness will help support the message of truth when we share the gospel. Actions may “speak louder” than words, but words are still essential for explaining the gospel.
Unit 21 Big Picture Question: What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.
Story Point: People came to Jesus, and He healed them.
Unit 21 Bible Memory Verse: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:30
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. Why do you think Jesus picked fishermen and tax collectors to be His disciples instead of kings or religious leaders? Invite kids to share their ideas. Share that the Bible says God uses people who have nothing to offer to show His power and strength through them.
(read 1 Cor. 1:26-31.)
2. What does it mean to follow Jesus? Prompt kids to recognize that following Jesus means trusting Him, obeying Him, and telling others about Him.
(read Matt. 16:24.)
3. What do you think might keep someone from following Jesus? Help kids understand that everyone follows something, and we follow what we value the most. Some people live for family and friends, for themselves, for popularity, or for money. The Bible says we must follow Jesus and nothing else. We can pray that God will soften the hearts of those who do not follow Jesus so that they would come to know and love Him.
(read 1 Cor. 1:18.)
Younger Kids
1. Why does Jesus love sinners? Help kids understand that everyone is a sinner, and Jesus loves all people because we are created in God’s image. Jesus wants to see people repent of sin, turning to God to be saved. He loves sinners and rescues them. He helps us turn away from sin and glorify God instead.
2. What might we lose by following Jesus? Guide kids to talk about the cost of loving and obeying Jesus. Help them think about the ways others might react to them, the influence they may lose, or the persecution they may face. Remind the kids that, in some places, following Jesus may even cost a person her life.
3. What can we gain by following Jesus? Discuss the unending joy and eternal life we have with God when we have faith in Jesus. Point kids to the hope they have in life: that we gain new purpose, can resist sin, and are filled with the Holy Spirit’s power. Point kids also to the hope we have for the future: that Jesus will return and fix all that sin has broken. On that day, we will reign with Christ as children of God.
Unit 20 Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.
Story Point: Jesus called disciples to follow Him.
Unit 20 Bible Memory Verse: He must increase, but I must decrease – John 3:30
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. Why did John say Jesus must increase and he (John) must decrease? Prompt kids to recall that with Jesus on earth, John’s mission was complete. Jesus was the One whom people had been waiting for—the promised Messiah who would save people from their sins! Jesus was greater than John, and John joyfully stepped aside as Jesus began His earthly ministry.
(read Luke 14:11.)
2. Who deserves fame and glory in our own lives—us or God? Why? Help kids recognize that even when you work hard to accomplish something great, you can give God glory because He made you and gives you special talents and abilities. Prompt them to discuss ways they can make Jesus famous instead of trying to make a great name for themselves.
(read Matt. 5:16.)
3. How can we point others to Jesus? Invite kids to discuss how we can tell people directly about Jesus, and we can also show kindness and have peace in a way that shows we trust Jesus with our lives and our future.
(read 1 Pet. 3:15.)
Younger Kids
1. Why is it good to glorify Jesus? Guide kids to understand that people were created by God to glorify God. Jesus is God the Son. When we glorify Him in our lives, we are fulfilling our purpose, and it is good for us. Everything God does is for His glory and our good, including creating us to worship Him.
2. When is it hard to glorify Jesus? Discuss situations kids may face that can fill them with pride or arrogance. Explain that sinful pride makes it impossible to glorify Jesus. Remind them that our gifts and talents were given by God as a way to glorify God. When we do well, we can thank God and remind other people about His goodness to bless us with talents or skills.
3. How can we learn to show humility? Explain that the first step toward humility is understanding who Jesus is. He is God’s beloved Son. He is the Messiah. The story of our lives is ultimately about Him, not any of us. Help kids consider that all people are equally valuable to God as all people are made in His image. None of us are better. All of us are His creations.
Unit 20 Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.
Story Point: John the Baptist told people to follow Jesus.
Unit 20 Bible Memory Verse: He must increase, but I must decrease – John 3:30
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. Who tempts us to sin? Why? Lead kids to recall that the devil tempted Jesus to sin. Assure them that God never tempts anyone to sin. Explain that the Bible says the devil is “the father of lies” (John 8:44). The devil is against everything that God loves. He might tempt us to sin because He does not want us to follow Jesus.
(read James 1:13-14.)
2. How can we resist temptation? What should we do if we give in to temptation? Lead kids to discuss how Jesus resisted temptation—by remembering the truth found in Scripture. Encourage kids to memorize Scripture and pray against the schemes of the devil. Emphasize that when we are tempted, God provides a way to resist it. When we do sin, we can repent and turn back to God. He will forgive our sins.
(read 1 Cor. 10:13.)
3. Why is it important to know God’s Word? Invite kids to discuss the importance of knowing what is true about God and about ourselves. We are often tempted when we believe lies about God or ourselves. Knowing God’s Word and treasuring it in our hearts can help us stand up against temptation.
(read Ps. 119:9-11.)
Younger Kids
1. Why do we face temptations? Guide kids to think about why Satan wants people to sin. Remind them that Satan wants to prevent people from glorifying God and keep Christians from living the way God has commanded us to live. We also have sin natures that desire sin and selfishness. We are tempted when we dwell on sinfulness and when Satan tries to get us to disobey.
2. Can we resist temptation? Discuss the difference between people who trust in Jesus and people who do not. Help kids see without Jesus, we cannot avoid sin. Remind them, though, that everyone who trusts in Jesus has the Holy Spirit living inside. Christians can use the power of the Spirit and the Word of God to fight temptation and obey God.
3. Why is it important to resist temptation? Help kids see that Christians cannot lose their salvation when they choose sin, but sin still dishonors God, hurts us, and hurts those around us. We resist temptation not to earn God’s love, but because we love and trust God that His commands are good for us.
Unit 20 Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.
Story Point: Jesus was tempted and never sinned.
Unit 20 Bible Memory Verse: He must increase, but I must decrease – John 3:30
Close in prayer!
Discussion Questions:
Older Kids
1. What message do we declare when we are baptized? Emphasize that when someone is baptized, that person follows Jesus’ example by showing others that he or she has confessed Jesus as Savior and Lord. Lead kids to connect going under the water in baptism as dying to sin and coming up from the water as being raised to new life—a life lived for Jesus. Point out that Jesus’ baptism symbolized what would come: His death, burial, and resurrection.
(read Rom. 6:4.)
2. Where do we see the Trinity—the three Persons of God—in today’s Bible story? Help kids recognize God the Father speaking from heaven, God the Son on earth as a man, and God the Spirit appearing like a dove. Emphasize that there is one God, and He exists as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Acknowledge that the Trinity can be hard to understand; no one is like God!
(read Eph. 2:18.)
3. Why does obedience to God bring Him glory? Lead kids to share their ideas. Prompt them to think about how obeying God shows that we trust Him and submit to Him as Lord of our lives. In a similar way, God is glorified when we live like Jesus—loving God and loving others, obeying His commands, and remaining in Him.
(read 1 John 3:23-24.)
Younger Kids
1. Does baptism save us? Guide the kids to understand that baptism is important, but it is only a symbol of what Jesus has done for us. A person is baptized because she is saved, not in order to be saved. Suggest an analogy, such as dressing like a doctor versus being a doctor. Dressing the part can suggest you are a doctor but cannot make you a doctor if you are not one.
2. Why is baptism important? Help kids understand that God has commanded believers to be baptized, and Jesus provided an example of baptism for us to follow. We do not obey God to earn our salvation, but we want to obey Him out of love and worship. Baptism is a beautiful picture of our sinful lives dying with Jesus and our new life beginning when we are “raised” from the water. It shows the world we trust Jesus and identify with Him.
3. When should someone be baptized? Discuss with your kids whatever policies your church has in place regarding baptism. Remind kids that baptism is a way to show they have trusted Christ; anyone who has not trusted Christ should not be baptized. Direct kids to continue the discussion with their parents to decide if or when they should be baptized.
Unit 20 Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus become human? Jesus became human to obey His Father’s plan and rescue sinners.
Story Point: Jesus obeyed God by being baptized.
Unit 20 Bible Memory Verse: He must increase, but I must decrease – John 3:20
Close in prayer!