Grief & Loss | Counseling Conversations

Grief & Loss | Counseling Conversations

Being quarantined has left me feeling low, without energy, and less motivated. Is this grief? 

It could be, especially if you are missing engagement with friends and family. Grief can also come from how open-ended this pandemic is. It creates a longing for something sure and safe. Leaning into the Lord is necessary. The Lord is a sure hope. Take some time to read the Psalms in the comments and pray through them to help you process.


How do you know when someone needs counseling for grief?

Here are just a few indicators counseling may be needed:

  • Unrelenting depression
  • Uncontrollable crying
  • Feeling like life is meaningless
  • A regular lack of desire and motivation to do daily routines
  • Withdrawing from relationships
  • Increased irritability and anger
  • Lack of support
  • Lack of caring for yourself
  • Using alcohol, food, drugs, etc. to numb grief



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