Made In His Image (An Argument Against Abortion) | Genesis 1:26-27

Made In His Image (An Argument Against Abortion) | Genesis 1:26-27

Abortion was the #1 cause of death in 2018. There were 42 million abortions, which accounted for 23% of all pregnancies. We live in a day where the moral fog is thick. Many believe abortion is morally acceptable but the trends are changing. With the advance of science and technology, more people are seeing the value of life in the womb. In this sermon, we look at why abortion is wrong, the gospel for those who have committed abortion, and how to fight for life.

The importance of life
The signs of life
The right to life
The grace of life
The fight for life

Made In His Image (An Argument Against Abortion)
Genesis 1:26-27
Series: Live For Something Greater 2019 (Part 2)
January 13, 2019
Joel Yoon


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