28 Oct Morning Prayer (Wednesdays @ 7AM)
Starting June 24, we will have Morning Prayer on Wednesdays @ 7am via Zoom! Anyone is welcome.
We are so encouraged by the many people that have asked for morning prayer. During this pandemic, we have seen our church’s faith demonstrated as our community group involvement has increased. People have shown their generosity by giving to NGO’s and those in need. And we have seen people growing in thirst for God. Though hagwons and government agencies have forbidden people to go to Itaewon, they are not able to stop a heart that has tasted God.
Join us on Wednesday mornings as we begin our days corporately with the Lord. See you on Wednesday mornings @ 7am on Zoom
- Meeting ID: 818 4810 9066
- Email hello@thegospelcity.org for the password.
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