01 Oct 2018 Oak Tree Run: Fundraising for Orphans (Oct 20)
On Saturday, October 20th, at 9AM at Ttukseom Han River Park, there will be a 2K, 5K, 10K, and half marathon. All funds raised will go to a scholarship fund for Korean orphans (Oak Tree Project). The cost is 35,000 won, and registrants will receive a free t-shirt. Register online HERE.
In 2016, more than 550 runners from 35 different countries came to raise $21,000 for the Oak Tree Project.
The Oak Tree Project was started to support orphans aspiring to go to college. Once they turn 18, orphans are required to leave their orphanages and support themselves with little-to-no emotional or financial support. The few who are able to attend college often give up because they are so worn out from working all the time to provide for their tuition. Many orphans are also subjected to emotional and physical manipulation by employers.
Oak Tree Project began with just 4 recipients in 2013. The program has grown with each year and Oak Tree Project now has 28 students and mentors, with 9 students having graduated through the program over the past few years.
With fall fast approaching, let’s enjoy this beautiful weather and support a great cause. Come #RACE!
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