06 Apr Seven Tips for Family Worship
- Create a rhythm. (Shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, etc.)
- Get your Bibles ready. Take notes. Show them it’s important to you.
- Get the GCC Kids & Jr’s site ready on another device. Print out the handouts.
- If you need the password, email children@thegospelcity.org.
- Sing and worship! Be excited. Attitude is caught, not taught. Your attitude to the Lord will be caught by your children. They see everything!
- This is a teaching moment. Discuss with your children what church is. Why it’s important to worship even though you are not going to a building. Disciple your children!
- It will be messy! Don’t aim for a “perfect” time of worship. Aim for a loving time of worship. Children will be distracted and will be distracting. Be patient and shower them with grace and love.
- Enjoy it! Be blessed! Have fun! God will use your imperfect attempts.
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